Recipe Treasure

Monday, June 13, 2011

kala jamoon

for jamoon
  • jamoon mix + sugar + food color + cardamom powder + milk + water
make 2 portions of the jamoon mix (in 1/3rd and 2/3rd ratio). To the 1/3rd mix add food color, make a smooth dough for jamoon with very little kneading. Use 50%milk and 50% water and 1 tsp of sugar to make the dough,.also add some cardamom powder while mixing.

remaining 2/3rd mix, mix sufficient moisture and 2 tsp sugar and mix to form a smooth plain dough.

pinch a small ball of plain dough, give it a sound shape, fatten and place a smaller pinch of colored dough and roll up neatly. Repeat the procedure to make all the jamoons

sugar syrup
  • add sugar to water in 1:1 ratio and bring it to a boil.. Once boiling, add a pinch of cardamom powder and saffron.
frying the jamoons:

heat oil in a pan for deep frying and once the oil is medium hot (not very hot). On a low flame fry the jamoons to golden brown, take out and drain excess oil over a kitchen towel. Deep fry the other batches, take additional care to avoid clustering too many jamoons in a batch and keep rotating the oil gently for even coloring and uniform frying. Fry the cooled jamoons again. This time they will fry to be dark brown/black. The sugar in the dough gives this color after caramelizing. 

while the (twice fried) jamoons are still warm add them to the hot syrup and keep the syrup warm. You can either keep it in a rice cooker or keep the stove on very very low flame to keep the syrup warm. Let the jamoons soak all the syrup for a minimum of 2 hrs.

Transfer the jamoons on to a plate/serving dish discarding the excess syrup. Make sure the syrup is well coated on all sides of jamoon. 

chill in the refrigerator and top it with finely grated/powdered coconut and sugar before serving